The Iowa Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers is a nonprofit organization accredited by the National Children’s Alliance and dedicated to providing support, training, and guidance to Iowa child advocacy centers. Formed in 2003 by a group of child abuse professionals, ICCAC uses the Children’s Advocacy Center model to address instances of child abuse in Iowa and to better serve child abuse victims and their families. ICCAC also provides support services to Iowa’s local child advocacy centers with the development, continuation and enhancement of the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) model in their local communities.
ICCAC uses funding from federal and state grants, as well as from private donations to provide resources, support, and training to each of the six accredited child protection centers in Iowa. We support the unique needs of each advocacy center through sharing information and providing state-wide training, and ensuring the national best practice standards are being upheld. We work to educate state leadership on protecting children and on the needs of these child protection centers, creating a more comprehensive response to child abuse.
We support the development, growth, and best practice of child advocacy centers, working together to better serve child abuse victims and their families.
Every child in Iowa has access to a comprehensive and multidisciplinary response to allegations of child abuse.
We have a strong sense of responsibility and accountability for diversity, equity, and inclusion in our Child Advocacy Centers’ work with children and families across the state of Iowa. This statement will serve as our guidepost for our active commitment to ensure equitable treatment and that inclusion is an expectation. We partner with and support those who work with children from diverse communities. We acknowledge that in order to be effective we must be intentional in our mission to provide culturally relevant services and actively engage those from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Striving toward culturally responsive services is an integral and ongoing part of our values.
Danica brings eight years of experience working as a Forensic Interviewer at one of the Child Advocacy Centers in Iowa. During her time at the center, she conducted over 1,300 forensic interviews, provided expert testimony during trials, and trained professionals and community members on child abuse dynamics. Danica has also served on multiple non-profit boards and held a variety of roles, including President of the Junior League of Waterloo-Cedar Falls in 2023-2024. Danica completed her Master`s Degree in Forensic Psychology from Argosy University in Denver, Colorado. Danica has a passion for making life better for children as well as the professionals serving children at the six Child Advocacy Centers in Iowa.